• What is the difference between water-based coatings and oil-based coatings

    随着人们生活水平的提高及对环保生活的追求,家装水性涂料得到了快速的发展。那么水性涂料与传统的油性涂料有什么区别?成分: 油性涂料是以干性油为主要成膜物质的一类涂料,主要有清油,厚漆,油性调合漆、油性防锈…

    2020-10-13 上海德予得

  • How to choose industrial cleaning agent products and what aspects should be paid atten…

    工业清洗剂应用范围广泛,可以用来清洗工件,也可以用来清洗设备、油污地面。根据不同的使用现场,选择不同类型的清洗剂产品,清洗剂通常与清洗设备匹配使用。 常见的工业清洗剂主要分为三类:粉剂清洗剂、水基清洗剂…

    2020-10-13 上海德予得

  • Application of cleaning agent

    The application fields of cleaning agents include light industry, home furnishing, kitchen, laundry, industry, transportation and other industries. The basic chemicals used include surfactants, fungici…

    2020-10-13 上海德予得